Monday, November 2, 2015

Days 15-19: Pumpkickin

Made it over a third of the way now... at least in terms of splint and cast time. Unfortunately, my meager physical state and tight deadline for my thesis completion has kept me inside my dark cave of an apartment for the majority of the past few days. This has been a bummer since late October and Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. It's a weird thing to spend a whole day without ever breathing outside air or having sunlight hit you. I can't go outside now unless it's dark or I will start to fry. This may be my calling to become a vampire... True Blood on crutches coming Fall 2015. I at least got to carve a pumpkin with my gf (left in picture). I would consider my pumpkin a little more rustic than refined. The mouth turned out the way it did as an attempt to recover from some breakage.
     My foot is feeling pretty good. Toes are less fat and doesn't hurt that much if I bump into stuff. Frodo Baggins feet are fading away. One peculiar thing I have learned is that dogs love to lick my toes. I don't find it annoying, but I would like the dogs to realize that my toes are probably pretty gross. They only receive a rudimentary washing every few days. Maybe that's why the dogs like them... I am not to judge. My cast is getting some signatures and personalized art work. It could be a good idea to hang my cast on the wall as a piece of art after it gets removed. Of course, I will encapsulate it in a glass box...for preservation and containment of smell.

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