Thursday, October 29, 2015

11-14: Cast me baby

The days of bed rest are over. The past few days I have returned to 'normalish' life. Of course, I still mostly stay at my home, but I do venture out every once in  awhile to be part of society. I can mostly take care of myself now, except for doing major things like laundry and taking out the trash. My foot does not really hurt anymore unless I bump it against something. I went on Tuesday to get my splint off and get a cast on my foot. After they took off the splint, they left my lower leg and foot exposed for about 15 mins as the surgeon talked to me and the nurse prepped for the cast. My foot was still considerable swollen. Could have just been from the poor circulation with the splint. Either way it looked like they swapped out my foot for Frodo Baggins's during surgery. I wanted so bad to stretch and bend it, but I couldn't. If I tilted my foot the slightest deviation from ninety degrees, it didn't feel so hot.
     The surgeon said the wound was healing up well. He also talked to me about the surgery, and told me the injury I have is called a proximal variant lisfranc. Presumably, this is an injury that is just now becoming recognized. Since it presents with subtle deformities in ligamentous and bone anatomy of the foot and symptoms are similar but not the exactly same as a common lisfranc injuries, many orthopedics aren't aware of it. Lucky for me my surgeon is one of the up and coming doctors recognizing and completing surgery to fix this injury. Anyway, the surgeon said he is very happy with the turnout and expects a good recovery. After I talked with the surgeon, I got my stitches removed and got a nice short leg cast. The nurse put it on well, so it is not too tight...which is clutch. I like the cast better than the splint. It is more protective (i.e. if I bump into anything) and doesn't go as far up my leg. Also, it lets my toes and a good portion of my leg below the knee breath. Past experiences with a cast have shown me that breath-ability is imperative...not only for itches but also for minimizing post-cast nastiness.

Luna being weird on top of my cabinet 

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