Thursday, March 10, 2016

Days 138-147: Two for one

Fortunately, the pain after surgery did not live up to my surgery last October. This allowed me to kick the pain meds after a couple of days and get through the nausea that follows a lot quicker. Day by day I have been progressing from purely sedentary to somewhat active. I view being active in relative terms. I am by no means doing P90X. Here is an example of my progression:

Day 1: Doped out on pain meds and recovering from the side effects of anaesthesia. Can lay in bed and chew food. Takes about 10 minutes to get to the bathroom.

Night after surgery, watching the Bachelor

Day 2: Game of Thrones

Day 3: 8 minutes to get to the bathroom. Can get to kitchen and awkwardly take a shower

Day 4: Heat up frozen meals. Scootered outside to check my mail. Game of Thrones

Day 5: 3 minutes to get to bathroom. Sat outside

skip to...

 Day 8: Crutched all the way to the car and to a bench in a park. Went out for dinner. Game of Thrones.

So that is where I am at now. Being able to crutch is a big deal. However, it is difficult because I have to navigate with a boot on my one "good" foot (rocker soles on the boot make it difficult to balance on one leg).

Luna (cat) is pissed at Lana (dog). Unfortunately, they may never come to love each other

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